Thursday, September 13, 2012

Logical Consequences

You have to pick your battles.

The wonderful humid weather did a number on Brynn's hair - actually I think it is exponentially larger than before.  It's late and I think she's in her room almost asleep, but when I look closer, I see that the bed is empty.  I follow the sound of the music on the radio and it leads me to my bathroom, my almost 12 year old, and my flat iron.

"Brynn, it's late and you have school tomorrow." I say (can you hear the annoyed tone in my voice?)

"I know mom.  If I'm tired tomorrow, it's my problem."

Couldn't really say anything after that.  I've worked hard to give my children age appropriate choices throughout their lives.  This means, however that you have to really let them decide . . . . and live with the consequences.

When Brynn was little, we went to visit my brother in San Marcos.  It was a cold, rainy fall day and we were headed out to lunch.  Brynn had decided to wear her bathing suit that day.  Yes, her bathing suit.  I thought about it - will she be in danger if I let her wear her suit?  Will this harm her in any way?  No. . . so I chose logical consequence instead of battle.  I'm sure she'll be cold and change her mind at any moment.

So we start driving, and my daughter is wearing a bathing suit.  Of course, I brought real clothes just in case she changed her mind - which I thought would happen in the 45 minute drive up I35. . .


OK, we're getting out of the car and it's windy and cold.  Now, I thought, she'll want to wear clothes.


You should have seen the looks I got from the people in the restaurant.  There sits my adorable red headed daughter, enjoying her delicious lunch - wearing her bathing suit.  It's a bit drafty in the restaurant - will she put on her shirt?


We're back outside, it's still cold and windy, Brynn is still in her bathing suit.  We drive to the outlet mall and then . . . . . . . in the Osh Kosh store. . . . . and the sweetest little voice says,

"Mommy, I'm cold.  Can I put my clothes on?"

"Sure, let me help you!"

It was her choice and she decided for herself.

I'll take a little embarrassment over a battle any day.

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