Sunday, September 2, 2012

6th Grade

I'm sure most of you remember 6th grade, right?
the new freedom of switching classes......only having to spend 50 minutes with one teacher (especially nice if you didn't like them!).....feeling grown up.....yet feeling awkward.....electives...

I was a band geek in school.  As my daughter was choosing her electives for her 6th grade year, I had to stop myself from being too enthusiastic about joining band.  She had to choose for herself.

I realized what a difficult decision this was.  I know nothing is forever, but it seems that once you make this choice in 6th grade, most often, your stuck there through most of the next 7 years.

There is a part of me that always wished I could have taken art or theater arts, but I was in band.  I understand that for many of these electives, you do have to commit to them in order to improve and continue in the program, but how I wish you could choose more than one!

I think of the musician that happens to also be a good athlete, or the speech person who is an amazing artist.

Wouldn't it be nice if extra curricular activities weren't so demanding of time....if the pressure to win everything and be the best wasn't the only goal....then maybe our children could do all the things they love to do - enjoy it, and still have time to play :)

 Any guesses what my daughter chose?