Thursday, June 14, 2012

Organization of Yamaha Courses

JMC, JXC, YMC, MW.... so many letters - what do they mean?

Just recently, I was having trouble filling out our quarterly report for Yamaha.  Courses get updated, sometimes the names change - now we have new courses - again, new names!  (My confusion actually facilitated the creation of a brand new courses chart out in the corporate offices!)  I know that parents have questions too - here are some examples:

  • My child is in Junior Music Course (JMC) and just turned six.  Does she switch classes?

If you look at the chart below, you'll see that the most important thing is how old your child is when they start music lessons.  Once they are in that track, they stay there, moving up to the more advanced courses with their original class.  

  • Why can't my child's friend at school join my child's class in JXC?
Depending on when your child started lessons, they have anywhere from 2-5 years of experience by the time they are in the Junior Extension Course (JXC).  Their friend at school is probably elementary aged, therefore, they would need to start in the New Young Musicians Course (NYMC) because they do not have any experience.

  • Can my 4 year-old and 6 year-old be in the same class?
No - this is extremely important.  The reason that we are so particular about how old your child is when they start is because our courses are developmentally appropriate.  The 4 year-old is a preschooler - the pre-operational stage of child development.  The 6 year-old is in the next stage - operational.   In these two stages, there are vast differences in all the categories of development : mental, physical, emotional, and social.  I'll go more into these developmental stages in another post - just know that each of our courses are specifically designed for each developmental stage.

  • I didn't start my older child until they were 6.  Shouldn't I wait until my younger child gets to that age?

No!  One thing that stood out as I looked at this chart was how much music your child can receive if they start early!  If your child starts at age 3 in Music Wonderland, they'll be in their third year of music lessons before an elementary aged child has even started.  We have noticed a depth of understanding in the children who have started in our Music Wonderland program.  It's one of our favorite courses to teach - to see the joy and excitement these tiny kids have when they get to go to "Music Wonderland" - it's like a real adventure!  Having siblings in different tracks can also make it easier not to compare one child to the next.  They'll get their very own songs - not the same as their older sibling.

Yamaha Music Educational System Course Chart 2012

What other questions do you have?  Post them below!

1 comment:

  1. Noelle,
    I like your new blog. It's a great way to keep in touch. Thanks for all of the hard work you've put into it.
    Kind regards,
    Gary L. (Mariana's dad)
