Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Live, Laugh, & Love

I'm sure that you can take these three words and apply them towards anything, but I think the connection to music is strongest! It's hard to imagine any part of our lives where there isn't music.

Teaching children is such an eye-opening experience, and I realized that I have so many a-ha moments during my teaching that I would like to share them with you - my students' parents. I hope this becomes a place where you too can share your own insights and wow moments that you observe. Children have such an amazing ability to bring us back to right now - for that's all that matters.
So here's what I think about those three words:

Live - I want my students to be musicians for life. I help nurture this gift that stays with them forever. It may be as simple as humming along with a song on the radio, playing the piano that they thought they forgot how to play, supporting arts in their community, or just enjoying listening to someone else play music.

Laugh - Music is fun, especially with friends. I know that they get that feeling in class and hope that they keep having fun with music - being in a band, singing in a choir, playing a song with a sibling, writing songs.

Love - These early experiences in Yamaha will help nurture a livelong love of music. Sometimes children may not realize what that feeling is until later - when their own choices in life show that love of music. There comes a point where they realize that their friends don't understand music the same way. They have learned a second language that only few can truly hear and express - and that is truly a gift.

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