Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Private Lessons Vs. Group

Coming to classes every week for over two years can get tiresome, we know (I took Brynn to class every Saturday at 8:30AM!!!)  So instead of weekly class, we're trying a new JXC Summer Camp and we've got some really fun things planned.  In addition to camp, each student is taking two private lessons over the summer.

I know parents are always wanting their child to get this special one-on-one attention, but over the last couple of weeks, I've noticed a few things.

1.  Group lessons are fun.  My own son seems almost sick to his stomach worried about taking a private lesson.  You should see the look on his face when we just talk about scheduling it.  This has made me realize what a wonderful environment he has had in group lessons all these years.  He never seems worried at all when he has to go to class - he loves it!  That made me realize (even though I already knew it!)...

2. Private lessons can be stressful!  I've seen it in other students as they come in for their lesson.  It is like a they've been switched with their timid, quiet, hesitant identical twin!  Gone seems to be that innate enthusiasm I see every week in class with their friends.  I have never thought of myself being a scary person, but think about it from their perspective.  They have to come in and play for me by themselves - there's nowhere to hide - all the pressure is on them!  What would you rather do - play a song all by yourself for your teacher, or make music with friends?

3.  It depends on the child.  Don't get me wrong - I do value having the time to help one student individually and completely see the benefit in private lessons (in addition to group, not a replacement), but I am more convinced that it varies child to child.  Yamaha Music Foundation has recently designed a new course to give more options to our advanced students.  This fall, we are going to be piloting a new Junior Ensemble Course.  This is specifically designed for the child that really enjoys being in group classes and may not be suited for the rigors of private lessons.  Up until now, the only option for students finishing Junior Extension Course (JXC) Book 4 was the Junior Advanced Course.  This course requires students to attend one hour a week group lessons as well as a 30 minute private lesson.  Now, the students and parents will have a choice of which track to follow.

The value of group lessons is at the core of what the Yamaha Music Education System.  These tiny glimpses into the other side (private lessons only) has helped reinforce this unique characteristic of our courses.

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