Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just One Week!

I am thoroughly enjoying my new Music Wonderland classes (for 3 year-olds).  I have to tell you, thought, that the first week is really rough.  I have to work so very hard to try to keep these adorable little kids interested for 45 minutes.  The first class always seems so long and they get really tired, mainly because of how hard their little brains and ears are listening.   You see, at this first class, absolutely everything they hear in class is brand new and they are trying to absorb every tiny sound they hear.

So after this first class, not only am I exhausted, but I'm also a bit worried -
         will they be able to do it?
            will they remember?

The parents and children go home and they listen to their CD and the next week in class - it's like a whole different class.  You would think I wouldn't be surprised since I have seen this happen in many classes before, but every time, I'm completely amazed.  They remember so much and are so focused in class.  Usually a parent comments about what parts the child talked about during the week - remembering details from a particular song.

When my daughter was three, the US did not have the Music Wonderland course yet.  My son was lucky - he was in the very first Music Wonderland class in the US.  Both of my children are excellent musicians, but sometimes I see something in my son - almost a sparkle of knowledge - like he knows what he hears is special.   He has started to notice that some of his friends don't hear music the same way he does.  He was telling me about singing with other kids and he said :

"I can sing on pitch and know when the notes are right.  You know, how the music gets in my head and then it's stuck there and I know all the notes?"

That's Music Wonderland at work! (7 years later!!!)

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